An Empirical Study on The Properties of Random Bases for Kernel Methods: Implementation and Extensions
Harvard Applied Mathematics 207 Final Project
Harvard Applied Mathematics 207 Final Project
Expanded Amazon Fresh online grocery shopping experience to’s main retail platform in India. Added dynamic (region aware) navigation bar, scoped search, scoped cart features for desktop, mobile web, and mobile app platforms.
Summer 2017 Intern Project: Created a backend service to migrate Amazon Fresh product offer data from Oracle to Amazon Web Services (AWS), and created dashboards for data visualization on ElasticSearch and Kibana.
Launched Amazon Fresh Rebranding and contributed to software systems that supported Amazon Fresh grocery delivery as a core Prime member benefit, removing the annual fee.
Expanded Amazon Fresh online grocery shopping experience to’s main retail platform in Singapore. Added dynamic (region aware) navigation bar, scoped search, scoped cart features for desktop, mobile web, and mobile app platforms.
Designed overall architecture and built scoped cart for Amazon Luxury Stores mobile shopping experience on iOS and Android.
Launched Morrisons online shopping experience on’s main retail platform. Added dynamic (region aware) navigation bar, scoped search, scoped cart features for desktop, mobile web, and mobile app platforms.
Launched desktop, mobile web, and mobile app navigation experience to support physical in-store and hybrid shopping experiences for Amazon Fresh’s physical stores.
Updated main navigation bar and cart checkout banner for Prime Now website.
Migrated Amazon mobile app software systems for iOS and Android to React Native release version 0.60.
Launched Whole Foods Market online shopping experience on’s main retail platform. Added dynamic (region aware) navigation bar, scoped search, scoped cart features for desktop, mobile web, and mobile app platforms. Integrated Whole Foods Market Promo and QR Code bottomsheets.
Harvard Computer Science 224 Final Project